Real-time Google Ads and search visibility tracking

Are you positive your ad appears
for your most valuable keyword in on a user’s
Do you know your exact ad position now?
Do you know your competitors ads look like/appear?
See a snapshot of the search results page every hour

How it Works?

Real-time ad verification and monitoring

  • Accurately Track your Ads in a specific time of the day to Ensure Visibility
  • Get visibility of your Competitors ads
  • Get an alert if you’re not showing up
  • Find out why you’re not showing up

Take Action:

Real-time Data-Driven Bid Automation, Automatically Adjust Bids and settings using Custom Rules

  • If Avg. position is Below 3 Increase Bid by 10%
  • If Avg. position is Above 2 Decrease Bid by 5%
  • Out of budget, increase by $200/day
  • If CPC is $200 and avg. pos. Is below 3. Pause
  • Find your true cost per click! (for each click by the hour, some clicks could be more expensive or cheaper in certain hours and locations and devices)
  • Find your true position

Sign up

Why use Search Snapshot?

  • Spend Your Ad Budget Wisely not Blindly
  • Get a Full View of your Performance
  • An Unfair Advantage over your Competitors
  • Track as many keywords as you need in real-time, all the time
  • Real-time bid adjustments 24/7
  • Accurate KW Tracking includes Geo-Target, type of Device, Language and Much More
  • Know where your ads are showing up in every location you’re targeting, on each device 24/7
  • Make sure your ad is visible every minute instead of having a general daily report with inaccurate information
  • Get the insights you need to understand how your campaign is truly performing.
  • Run out of budget? Know right away when your ad stopped showing up.
  • Heads up and Track competitors’ ads text (did you change the ads and created a special promotion? Know right away!)

Why is Search Snapshot such a game-changer?

Google Ads is a bidding platform and everyone knows that if you’re bidding for anything, one of the key factors you want to know of is your position in comparison to your competitors. Once Google decided to no longer make this metric available to advertisers, the decision making of your bids became very confusing. Many advertisers are not aware if their ad is not showing at all or if they are showing up in position 1.

With Appirance you get the complete overview not just of your position, but your competitors as well. With custom rules that allow you to automate your bid adjustments based on the ad position you will have a huge advantage over your competition.

Is there a limit to how many keywords I can track?

Each plan comes with a monthly quota of queries you can perform as well as a quota on number of bid adjustments you can make.

Why manual bid adjustments don’t work anymore?

With the absence of the avg. pos metric figuring out where you are positioned is no longer possible unless you manually perform a google search. However, this manual process can easily become impossible to manage and even more difficult to act upon. Even a small campaign that contains 50 different keywords would require hundreds of searches on a monthly basis to keep track of each keyword’s avg. position. Once that data is collected applying changes is another challenge. With Appirance, this entire process is automated and done for you accurately in real-time.

Google offers “smart” bidding, why not use that instead?

At Appirance we believe in transparency. While Google offers “smart” bidding it is a black box. We believe that if you are spending on advertising you should know exactly how it is being spent. Furthermore, relying on Google to manage your spend creates a conflict of interest. If all advertisers opt-in for Google’s automated “smart” bidding, which of those advertisers would Google favor and why? With Appirance you get the complete picture, you decide when to adjust your bids up or down based on your custom rules. With Appirance you have control.

I have some keywords targeting multiple geo-target locations, how would this be tracked?

If you are tracking a keyword that is set to target 3 different locations, Appirance will track this keyword in each of the 3 locations individually in order to give you a clear picture of where you appear in each location. This would count as 3 different queries. For best practice it is best to have campaigns divided to 1 geolocation rather than multiple.

How about mobile vs desktop?

If you are tracking a keyword that is set to target both desktop and mobile, Appirance will track this keyword in for both devices individually in order to give you a clear picture of where you appear in each device. This would count as 2 different queries. For best practice it is best to have campaigns divided to desktop and mobile separately - Real-time Google Ads and search visibility tracking